Last week I attended a banquet for work. Despite the free food, I really didn't want to go, but it's part of my job, so off I went. Being an introvert, I was not at all happy when my boss asked me to sit next to the guest speaker's wife to keep her company. I had no doubt that she was a lovely woman, but I'm just not good at small talk. But again, it's part of my job, so I smiled and pulled up a chair.
Almost immediately I knew that this was no ordinary obligatory seating arrangement. It didn't take long for us to discover that we share a passion for knitting. What was even better was to realize that we both belong to knitting ministries at our churches. Imagine our surprise when we invited each other to our respective knitting groups, only to realize that our churches are no more than two miles away, on the same street!
Needless to say, I had an absolutely wonderful time getting to know more about my new knitting friend and sister in Christ. I'm looking forward to knitting with her very soon and am so excited to see what God has in store for us. After all, our meeting was no accident.