Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Vision Grows...

God continues to move in mighty ways. In the past week, God has continued to provide confirmation that He wants this ministry to build a sanctuary, a spiritual hospital of sorts, to help heal the hearts of women who have been victims of sexual assault. What we thought was to be a place where women could come to talk and knit for a few hours at a time when they felt the need, is turning into a retreat where women who have been victimized can come for a few weeks to a few months, however long it takes to rest, recuperate, find or reconnect with God, and allow Him to heal their hearts and souls.

This past weekend, God led us to the parcel we believe is where He wants the retreat to be built. It wasn't what we'd originally thought it would be - it's much bigger and more beautiful than I could have imagined. Although they don't begin to do it justice, here are a few pictures of the lake located on the property.

The original idea was for a ski-lodge type structure, but this place is not meant for a rustic vacation, it's a spiritual, emotional and physical sanctuary, so the structure has evolved into more of an open, peaceful, relaxing, spa-like environment. We're pooring through hundreds of floor plans, but here are a few pictures to give you an idea of where God appears to be leading us.

No, the following is not a picture of a swimming pool. Because our prayer is that guests who come to the center will receive Christ or re-dedicate their lives to Him, there will be a baptismal pool where anyone who wants to can be baptised by a local minister.

We know that God is moving heaven and earth on behalf of those who believe in Him, have faith in Him, and who earnestly seek to do His work. We are believing Him for the people, the favor and the resources to make this sanctuary a reality.

Please pray with us that in His time, and in His way, this sanctuary will come to be. If you, or anyone you know, is able to help in any way, please contact us. As you can imagine, there are going to be many needs as the center is nearing completion, and once it opens, but during the planning phases, we especially need to start connecting with people who are willing to volunteer their time and/or services to help in the following areas:
  • Soil Scientist (to ensure that the property percs and is suitable for the type of development we are planning)
  • Architect (to review/revise our proposed floor plan and to provide design services)
  • Soil Scientist
  • Surveyor
  • Real Estate Attorney
  • Non-Profit Tax Attorney
  • Sexual Assault Facility Directors or Designers (to provide input into the building design with an emphasis on features to ensure safety and security for guests)
  • Fundraisers/Grantwriters
If you or anyone you know can help in these areas, please direct them to this blog first, to see if they are interested. If so, please have them contact us directly. (See contact info near the bottom of the right sidebar).

Please keep this project in your prayers because we serve a big God with big dreams. If we each get involved with God's dreams, He will get involved with ours!

1 comment:

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Wow...that looks like it is going to be a simply beautiful and serene spot! It looks so peaceful...breathtaking.